February 23, 2011

I've been away...

As you've probably noticed, I've been neglecting this blog for some time.  I've been busy with real life and also have been feeling uninspired.  It seems everywhere I turn there is another blogger who is writing about something I want to write about, and I feel like I would be unoriginal if I were to write about the same topic.  One of my goals here on this blog is to write original content.  I mentioned this to my husband the other day, and he told me "That's how everything is.  You just need to do it better than everyone else."  Sometimes he is so wise and makes me feel good without even trying!  So, it's back to blogging!

On that note, I'd like to share about how sneaky my 2-year-old has been lately!  Today after lunch my husband got some cookie dough out of the freezer.  My son immediately asked for some, even though he had hardly eaten his meal.  My husband told him that if he would finish his turkey he could have some dough.  My son protested a bit, then finally shoved about 3 bites' worth into his mouth.  Husband dropped a spoonful of cookie dough on the plate and turned to put the dough away.  Son quietly held his hand up to his mouth and let the turkey slide out.  He started to put it back on his plate, staring at the cookie dough.  I laughed and showed my husband what our son was doing.  He couldn't help but laugh too.  After more protests, the turkey was eaten, as was the cookie dough.  He's got a big sweet tooth, just like his mom!

It seems there is a pattern forming here.  A couple of nights ago his dad was eating chocolate pie and he wanted some, so we told him to finish his dinner and then he could have dessert.  I walked out of the room to tend to the baby.  When I returned, his plate was clean.  "Good job finishing your food!"  I dished up his dessert as promised.

About 20 minutes later, while doing the dishes, I noticed food in the sink- the same food that had been on my son's plate!  What a sneaky little boy!


  1. LOL! He's a smart boy!

    Don't be discouraged with the blogging~I "follow" other blogs because they share common interests, they make me laugh, or they teach/challenge me to be a better mom/wife/teacher/farmer, etc...because of that, those blogs tend to talk about things that I would like to or have done. I just do my own thing and try not compare my blog to others. I enjoy reading your blog, I hope you'll keep at it!

  2. He is sneaky! I'm glad you're back writing. I often felt discouraged when I first started my blog. Your husband is right (as is Solomon) - there's nothing new under the sun. Except for unique you and your opinions.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
