January 6, 2011

Raw Milk

Recently I had the opportunity to try farm fresh, unpasteurized milk. 
AKA Raw Milk. 
For a city gal like myself, it was a little scary. 

Looks okay....

Smells okay...

Tastes.... like store bought milk.

My son's verdict:  "Raw milk is GOOD!"

I still don't care for the taste of milk without some sort of flavoring (never have), so I'll be drinking my raw milk with a little vanilla and (gasp) white sugar.  I plan to wean myself off the flavorings over time, the same way I taught myself to drink cafe au lait without sugar.   

Why drink raw milk?  Well, lots of things happen when milk is pasteurized.  Molecules change, enzymes are destroyed, nutrients are lost.  The "good stuff" is less available to your body.  For more information on raw milk, visit Real Milk

I'll let you know when I'm down to pure milk.